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Anne West is a professional writer and editor who works hard to make your copy easy like Sunday mornings. She has a knack for crafting words that jump off the page and dreams of wielding a giant red Sharpie to fix typos on signs around the world.

With a journalism degree and a master’s in education, her experience spans formats and industries: from feature-length magazine articles to impactful marketing materials, natural-foods packaging copy to websites and social media, press releases to business presentations.

It’s exhausting just thinking about it, right?

Born and bred in New York, she ditched her accent to live in sunny Hermosa Beach, CA with her husband and two daughters. She’s looking for a way to monetize her love of books and the number of people who tell her daughters that their red hair is beautiful. Until then, she’s sticking with her day job, working collaboratively with clients around the country to build and grow memorable brands.

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